In which I talk about Spheres and Cycles

IMG_20150102_232537Its hard to believe that the last time I posted here was in October of 2014. Craziness. Thank you for continuing to read and support my husband, Jonathan, as he wrote for me for about a month. That was totally cool to me how he stepped up and ya’ll seemed to love it. I think the world could do with a little more of the man’s perspective when it comes to the birthing process…and lots of other things for that matter.

On this fine late morning it is cloudy and cool here in my great state of Oregon. On my latest walk I spied green buds forming on the tips of seemingly dead branches- signs that Spring is almost here. The crocuses are pricking up from the flower beds and the days are minute by minute extending their rays. It can be a chore but I’m working on embracing these cloudy, foggy days of winter. Everything has its cycle and process- just because it is gray and cold doesn’t make it bad- just challenging.

You could say I’m learning to embrace the cycles of all the parts of my life- not just the weather!

In order for me to have and enjoy the sunny, high energy days of productivity and creativity I must also put in my time planting the seeds. My seeds are best planted on slow, unhurried days at home. Days spent instructing my kids, reading, enjoying the small things and praying more often.

In order to endure through days of darkness- both mentally and physically- I must plant the seeds of fitness, routine and acceptance to get to the other side. I have to have truth spoken to me faithfully- through reading, my husband and my church. I need to know I’m loved deeply and wholly despite my weaknesses. I have to remember what God has done for me and how Great He is.

When thinking about cycles I always end up thinking about spheres. There is an upside and downside depending on whatever part of the sphere you are currently on. All that is needed, though, is a  change of perspective. Suddenly when you feel yourself on a downward trend you find that it isn’t all that bad. Or perhaps it really is terrible but you know if you keep persevering you’ll get to the other side of the cycle. I’m unsure if this is making sense but its fun to think about.
Anyway, I’m excited for this new year- 2015. I have a few posts planned already and a couple half written. A goal for this year is to attend a writing workshop- so I’m pretty excited about that! A lot of you have been asking about my NaNoWriMo project so here is a quick update:

~ I entitled my book: In Search of Mother. It is a multigenerational story about three women who are wrestling with common demons. Each woman has her unique perspective and story but all are insecure in their journey into motherhood. I topped out at about 50,100 words, which- as a lot of you know- isn’t quite long enough to be an actual book. It needs much work and I haven’t begun to edit it yet. Once I go through it at least once I’ll be happy to share with individuals who would like to give me some feedback.~

Ok, so, I’d love to hear from you! Have you come up with any goals for 2015? What is God teaching you so far this year? Leave a comment and let me know!

Thanks again for all your support! 🙂

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